Let's find the right talents to elevate your company

Struggling to find the right talent?

You're not alone! 77% of organizations face the same challenge. Let us do the job and find the talents you need.

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What we offer

We tailor the recruitment process to fit your organization and your needs.
Hird Consulting covers the entire recruitment process from research to hiring.

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Billede af Peter Stuhr

Peter Stuhr
CEO, Leneo

"Anna has been very helpful in recruiting the right people for Leneo. Anna fast understood the role we were looking for and what was needed, but even more important, she understood the culture we have and want to support with the right candidates. She has been very professional and proactive - from defining the right type of candidates to help getting the final candidate to sign."

Billede af Jonathan Weng

Jonathan Weng
CEO, Tonsser

"Samarbejdet med Anna og Hird var en fornøjelse. Deres proaktive tilgang forbedrede vores indledende kandidatprofil, men gjorde også processen betydelig mere effektiv. Resultatet var den ideelle kandidat, samt medarbejdere, der følte sig involveret og hørt i processen omkring deres nye kollega."

Billede af Peter Schlegel

Peter Schlegel
CEO, Responsive

"Hird har bistået os med rekruttering ved flere lejligheder. Vi har oplevet en samarbejdspartner der er lyttende, konstruktiv, proaktiv og udviser stor dedikation til at løse opgaven. Vi er glade for samarbejdet - og ikke mindst for de dygtige kollegaer Hird har hjulpet os med at identificere og kvalificere."

Billede af Mads Aarøe Mathiesen

Mads Aarøe Mathiesen
CEO, Trendsales

"Hird har assisteret Trendsales med rekruttering på tværs af flere fagområder. Vi har især sat pris på deres fleksible proces, den løbende kontakt og gennemsigtighed. Vi har altid modtaget et bredt felt af kandidater, og de har udført en hurtig og effektiv service, som vi varmt kan anbefale."

Why Hird?

"Hirds expertise played a pivotal role in helping me find the ideal CEO, a decision I believe will significantly propel our growth in the right direction. Working with Anna and her highly professional team has been an engaging and enlightening journey. I wholeheartedly recommend Anna's services to any business seeking top-tier talent. Her approach is not only personal and precise, but also reflects a deep intelligence and understanding of the industry."

“I am incredibly happy to have entered into a collaboration with the talented people at Hird Consulting, which has resulted in the first hiring where I have not been the lead in this process.”

"Anna has been very helpful in recruiting the right people for Leneo. Anna fast understood the role we were looking for and what was needed, but even more important, she understood the culture we have and want to support with the right candidates. She has been very professional and proactive - from defining the right type of candidates to help getting the final candidate to sign."

"Hird has assisted Trendsales with recruitment across multiple disciplines. We have especially appreciated their flexible process, the ongoing communication, and transparency. We have always received a broad range of candidates, and they have provided a fast and efficient service, which we highly recommend."